Longbored Surfer

2005.07.27 110 Percent

I enjoy math, physics, logic, and things of that nature. I doubt that is any surprise. Frequently I hear people say that, with respect to effort or an amount of work, that they're going to give it 110%. Not only is such an activity unlikely, but impossible. P.S. They're stupid (and lazy).

I don't want to get out any graphics, like I have in other articles where I have demonstrated a scale, and how people might be able to understand things better if they could visualize it (Couldn't Care Less is the article). But let's think about 110%. If you were to have a pie, and there were 4 pieces of the same size, and you ate three of them, you would be fat have eaten 3/4 of the pie, or 75%. If you ate that 4th piece, you would have eaten 4/4 pieces or 100%. There wouldn't be any more to eat. It would be impossible to get to 110%.

Now stick with me here on this next one. A person could give X amount of effort toward something. That X is the limit - the very top. They may, or may not know where that boundary is, but it still exists. I think the problem with people claiming to give 110% is that they are unfamiliar with their limit. They don't know truly where that true 100% may be. They base their measurements on previous experiences of effort, not knowing that they are capable of doing more. Since they stopped increasing their performance when they were at their true 70%, they assume that is the best they can do. Little do they know that by exerting more effort they can actually perform higher, or better - more towards 77% (which would be 110% of their previous effort, but only 77% of their true ability).

People who say they're going to give 110% shouldn't be viewed as stupid to mathematical impossibilities, but just that they've been lazy on previous demonstrations. For being paid the kind of money that they are, I would hope that they get off their lazy tails, and get their act in gear.

Tag(s): soap_box

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