Longbored Surfer

2005.07.15 Cheerleaders

R, R, R-E-D-L, A, A, A-N-D-S, R-E-D-L-A-N-D-S, Gooooo Redlands! I can understand some energy in a couple things. I've got no beef with the concept of a cheerleader. They're a person designated to lead some cheers, or cheering in general. If there is no cheering to lead, then some cheering should be initiated. Okay, so a large majority of these people happen to be female, and for the most part they seem to be chosen from the "popular" crowd and happen to be probably more on the better looking side of the scale… but that's not what I'm aiming at here. They could be purple people eaters for all I care, but some of their moves they perform are just beyond me.

The #1 Arm Pump
If you're going to point a number 1 up in the air, hoping to inspire (or confirm the status of) your team to be number 1, there's no problem there. What's the deal with them trying to pump their arm up in the air prior to showing that number one? Is there a point system for how many times the arm is pumped? Are they just toying with us? "We're number 1, oh wait, no we're not, oh wait, we are, no, yes, no, yippee, we ARE!!!" What's up with that second arm trading off the arm pumps? As somebody in the crowd, please let me know which arm I should look at first, before you get started, so I can ignore the other arm that seems to do convulsions in the opposite direction? If you're going to do a #1… just put it up there and get the rest of the shenanigans over with.

Sitting on the Ground
Possibly you failed out of elementary school. We're glad that you've found something "productive" to do with your life now… but you've got to be kidding me that you forgot how to set cross-legged (or, if you'll pardon the phrase (indian-style)). Do you have to have both of your legs aimed in the same direction? You've got one aimed right at the other, and the other kinda… wrapping that same direction around your body. Too cool to sit like the rest of us? I would wager that it isn't because you CAN'T (except maybe that one sympathy cheerleader who was either disabled in a fashion, or severely overweight and uglier than sin (which is pretty ugly)). Just sit like a normal person, and I'll leave you alone.

Twinkle Fingers
This one is a little beyond me. You have both of your arms in the air, pointing generally upward and in the same direction, with your hands extended, and your fingers… twinkling at the end. You just keep moving your fingers, as if you're playing the piano like a person who can't play the piano at all, but is just acting like they can. Is it really necessary to move your fingers like that? If you're trying to get our attention, believe me, you've already got it. Most of the guys are looking at you, since you're scantily clad, and most of the women are looking too, since they're trying to figure out what their husbands see in you, or to check out the competition, ("What's she got that I don't?" (the question should probably be aimed the opposite direction)). So with everybody's attention, and the fact that you've put enough glittering make-up to be confused with a magic show, the movement of your fingers really isn't necessary.

I don't doubt that some of the moves you make are difficult. You probably have trained a good long while to perform your little dance routine to music (albeit vulgar, near pornographic, and inappropriate). The whole hip shaking that you do while singing various songs takes a good amount of coordination, despite the fact that the moves have little to nothing to do with the event at which you are leading cheers. I'll leave my comments at this, since I don't want to touch "competitive" cheerleading with a 10 foot pole… okay so maybe I do… *poke*. (as I go running the opposite direction giggling)

Tag(s): soap_box

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