Longbored Surfer

2005.05.02 Couldn't Care Less

Let's clarify something that too many people just don't seem to understand.

In general, if you care about something (whether you choose to say it or not), it has a place of importance with you. If it was demoted in some fashion, then you might care less about it. If it was promoted, you might care more about it. Following this thinking, there is a scale of care on which something might be measured, and a certain amount of care that might be allocated to anything.

You could care more about one thing than another. You might care the same amount about more than one thing. If something has no importance to you, then you could say that you don't care about it. On the scale of care (or care scale), you could even say that you couldn't care less about it, because it is at the bottom.

The area that requires clarification is that people don't seem to understand the care scale. They frequently place items higher on the scale than is intended. Their words would have you believe that items of no importance to them are actually higher on their care scale than say…. some of the following items:

  • The size of their friend's sister's newborn baby's foot
  • How many times a taxi driver in Bangladesh repeats the cost of his most recent trip
  • If Batman is going to hook up with some chick for a one night stand
  • The name the treasurer in my imaginary friend's "Club for the Cool"
  • The number of Santa Claus-shaped erasers found at my workplace

To further assist those who still don't get it, allow me to illustrate:

In short, let's try not to give too much importance/care to things that don't deserve it. If you state in the future that you "could care less", and I find that item to be completely and totally irrelevant, I will consider your values to be screwed up, and for me to no longer value anything you say (welcoming you to be on par with the santa claus-shaped erasers). Please don't be stupid.

Tag(s): soap_box

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