Longbored Surfer

2005.03.22 Our Amazing Race - Day 6 of 6

We get a rental car (Chevy Trailblazer) and get on our way. My father and I spend the first couple hours talking. The topics discussed were ranging from my job and future to him landing a T-37 in 70-90 nauts of wind at Nellis AFB one windy day. I know that I started fading at around the two hour mark. I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore, but wanted to keep them open to pseudo support him. I only slept for an hour before I woke back up. By this point my father is starting to fade, and needs the constant motion and conversation to stay awake. We were so close to home that it was just another little bit to travel before beds welcomed us. We ended up making the trip in 4½ hours. My part of our Amazing Race was finally finished. With another 4 hours of sleep, I went to work and continued with a wonderful Tuesday.

Overall Impressions from the Trip

Alec pointed out at some point that every seat we had been given was on the left side of the plane. I don't know if his last leg was that way, but it stayed true for me. In all honesty though, this trip was a blast. Sure, I got very little sleep, and I was dragging my feet for quite a bit of it as well as the day after it all. Even if we don't get on the show, we'll look the experience as a good one, and either shake our heads at our stupidity, or smile at the good time. The group therapy session was nice with Sarah and Alec. A comment by my father on Monday was nice when he had said "No, I'm not going to leave you guys. I don't have anything pressing at home, and how often do I get to spend time with my boys?" So even though we found ourselves in crappy situations, missing flights, and whatever, it was still pretty cool. I owe the trip idea to Sarah, the team concept to Alec, and the transportation to my father. It was really very very cool. If we actually DO get onto the show, I'm sure I'll let you know.

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