Longbored Surfer

2005.04.20 Wearing all Black

I'm not sure that I see the real point in wearing all black. Now I'm not talking about wearing one of those oh-so-famous "little black dresses" with some black shoes. I'm talking about black pants, black shirt, black jacket/coat, black shoes, black belt (not Chuck Norris style here), black earrings, black _______.

Is it that a person wakes up in the morning, heads to the closet and asks themselves that day, "Do I feel like wearing… black, black, or….. black?" I mean seriously, you've got to have a bit more variety in your color scheme than that.

I mean, the least that somebody could do would be to throw in a little bit of white, just for contrast. I'm no fashion pro, in any fashion of the word. But what exactly are you hoping to accomplish by wearing just one color (really the lack of color)?

Here are some possible reasons that I have come up with, as to why one would only wear black:

  • Depression
  • Color Blind
  • Stupid
  • No Fashion Sense
  • Everything else is in the wash
  • Trying to be goth (that's a completely separate soap box speach)
  • Leaders or collaborators in an anti-white campaign
  • It was dark when they picked out their clothes and couldn't tell the difference
  • Depression

With these things in mind, I still can't think of a decent reason to do it. Having experienced the majority of these things (white thinks it's all high and mighty, grrrr - I'll show it who's boss!), I defend the position that wearing all black makes no sense at all.

Point of the story: don't just wear all black. If you do, you're an idiot.

So, here on a later thought to all of this, wearing black really goes with a personality. I'm not going to detail the type of person that is empowered to wear entirely black. Wearing all black is like shaving your head. Some people should NEVER shave their head - they're just ugly. Some people should NEVER wear all black - they're just ugly as well.

Tag(s): soap_box

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