Longbored Surfer

2005.05.06 Cinco de Mayo Idiots

On Cinco de Mayo I sat at a table at work where we had a Cinco de Mayo Trivia form. People put their completed forms, with their name and extension, into a drawing for $25. The answers were right in front of them, and if not, I'd tell them the answers. One of the questions on the form was "Where did The Battle of Puebla take place?" There are some really stupid people out there.

I'm not claiming that everybody should know or memorize Mexican history. I'm just talking about common sense here. We've heard the other questions out there that are totally obvious. One of the classic examples is, "Who is buried in Grant's tomb?" We're not talking about brain surgery here. The answer is right there.

Can I tell you how many times people came up with some other stupid answer? Mexico City? San Antonio? My grandma's house? Seriously people, the battle of Gettysburg probably took place in Pensacola. I'd place money on Lincoln being buried in Grant's tomb.

If you're so slick that you can't figure something like this out… please do me a favor and remove yourself from my presence. While you're at it, maybe you can figure out some of these brain busters:

  • What color is the White House?
  • Where did The Battle of Bull Run take place?
  • If a unicycle has one wheel and a bicycle has two, how many wheels does a tricycle have?

I might be able to understand that the people were having issues with the information if there were other trick questions on there. It's not like I was asking the name of the Mexican general who won the war against the French (since Mexico lost that one). I wasn't asking where Mexico celebrated their independence day on May 5th (since Mexico's independence day isn't May 5th). Some people just aren't bright enough to link a few simple things together. Whatever.

Tag(s): soap_box work

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