Longbored Surfer

2005.05.09 Stress Ball Makers

They're all over the place. They're globes, footballs, obscure-looking dolls, pickles, space shuttles, and a whole variety of other things. They're those little stress-relievers that we've got all over our desks. They're multiplying and replenishing each one of our desks at work. They probably outnumber us three or four to one.

I'm not going to get into conspiracy theory crap about how they're going to take over the offices, or how they have cameras built into them so that they can spy on us, and steal corporate secrets, or anything like that. My concern dips more onto a personal side.

Each one of us uses them to relieve some amount of stress. They're wonderful at taking the beating, as opposed to a boss or coworker's face. We use them when we're stressed about any number of things, primarily originating from our job. If we've got a project that is going south or even failed, if a coworker is on our nerves, if a boss annoys us, then we go use one of these things. We escape from our reality to snuggle, in a not so loving way, with one of these devices.

My question comes at this - what do the people who make stress balls use to relieve stress? If they're going to follow in this same style, they'll need something to step away from their work to blow off some steam.

Since they can't use their own product, since it may be that product that is causing them this stress, I have come up with some things that might help them:

  • Coloring Books
  • Dough Balls
  • Play-Dough
  • Corn Starch & Water (you should try it, really)
  • Face of Boss

It's really up to you, but the last thing that we want is for you to break down and stop creating these squishy toys in such great forms. If you didn't do that for the rest of us, who would?

Tag(s): soap_box work

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