Longbored Surfer

2007.03.10 Even on National TV

I was watching American Idol the other night, and one of the contestant's mother and aunt were on the show making fools of themselves and the contestant. Anna Nicole Smith (sorry, no haiku about her) died, and her mother was fighting for the right to her body, and wasn't exactly in the best condition either. These things, added to any number of other experiences in my life, have reminded me that no matter how famous, how old, how prominent, successful, loving, kind, or careful you might be… your parents can still embarrass you.

2007.03.05 By Last Name Only

People refer to somebody else by their last name in only small number of cases (and it should stay this way). I'm willing to take the time to dissect those situations, and discuss (ad nauseam) why this is ever permissible.


2007.02.13 Losing a Partner

There comes a point at which I need to admit defeat. Now is that moment. Tears of sorrow well up in my eyes and I am saddened by this deep and impacting loss. It's never easy to part with such a long-time friend, or partner. I'm uneasy about welcoming a new partner into my life. My previous relationship was fairly intimate. It's not every day that you brush your lips across a non-spouse… but it is for me. I remember the special moment when part of their covering caught on something and tore, revealing a little more than I felt I should have. Seeing that smooth, white, tender surface underneath was… magical. From that moment on, our relationship was never the same. Each day it seemed to get deeper and deeper, until finally… it could go no further.


2007.02.11 The Neighbor's Door

My upstairs neighbors who are fairly noisy (really they just seem to stomp around a lot, especially their kids as they go up and down the stairs) are out of town, so it generally means it's quieter. They left a door open on their patio and the wind keeps hitting it against the railing. It makes a pretty healthy gong sound at pretty much any hour. I think I might be mentally ill if I say this… but I think I'd rather have the neighbors than their door.

2007.02.07 The Vastness of the Internet

I'm constantly amazed at what I find on the internet. It seems that several times a week I find some new site that I didn't know existed, or wouldn't have even thought existed. The amount of content out there/here is overwhelming. Last night I was pointed to a web site by a guy who collects copies of boxes, decals, and instructions from model spaceships. Why? Why not?


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