Longbored Surfer

Blog entries tagged "home"

2006.11.01 You Really Shouldn't Go Trick-or-Treating If…

*Pardonable if you're handicapped in some fashion

Many thanks to all of the trick-or-treaters who came to my home this year (and for the past 3 years for that matter) - 0

2006.10.31 Daylight Savings Time

We're batting .500 in our marriage when it comes to remembering daylight savings (or the return from it). This year was one of those that we forgot. As I look back at the timing of things, Maria was up at 5(6) something, I got up at 6(7) something, all so we could leave the house to be somewhere at 8:00(9:00). I made the comment, “Not too many people out today.” That was the point that I thought to myself… “Wasn't daylight savings time going to end here pretty soon? Was that today? I should get out my cell phone and check the time.” and Maria said, “Ohhhhhhhh, dangit!” We drove around for the next hour, not wanting to be early, and not wanting to go home (otherwise we would have just wanted to go to bed). To celebrate the change, we did the whole day (as close as we could) to the previous time, and just acted like Daylight Savings Time ended on Monday. It was nice to get an extra hour of sleep… albeit a day late. Those chumps in Arizona & Hawaii don't know what they're missing… until spring shows up. Grrrr…

2006.10.18 Apex of your Existence

Don't let one experience define your life. Nothing should be able to narrow your frame of reference so much that everything else you experience must be compared to that one thing.

The only way that one experience, or a set of experiences becomes the apex of your existence is that you continue to focus on your past as you move forward.


2006.10.13 A Good 10 Seconds Is...

When you fit into an old pair of pants that used to be too small, then find $30 in the back pocket. Rockin'!

2006.10.11 Static vs Kinetic

An article at Rands in Repose called Trickle Theory was very well written. Recently I had been thinking about something similar and thought the article was well worth the read. With that train of thought, I've been making efforts to tie up loose ends all over the place. This is all unrelated to an email I received from my mother about finding inner peace:

Dr. Phil proclaimed:

"The way to achieve inner peace is to finish all the things you've started and never finished." So, I looked around my house to see all the things I started and hadn't finished, and before leaving the house this morning, I finished off a bottle of Merlot, a bottle of White Zinfandel, a bottle of Bailey's Irish Cream, a bottle of Kahlua, a package of Oreos, the remainder of my old Prozac prescription, the rest of the cheesecake, some Doritos, and a box of chocolates.

You have no idea how freaking good I feel!

It could be something petty but nagging, or it could be a years-old problem that you've chosen to ignore. For me, it's always most difficult to start. For me, it goes back to physics in the comparison between static vs. kinetic friction. It's tougher to start than it is to keep it going. It's not necessarily easy to do, but after you get over that initial hump, it's smooth sailing.

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