Longbored Surfer

2005.03.19 Our Amazing Race - Day 3 of 6

If only we knew the pandemonium that we were about to enter, we might not have even started. Following Alec's idea for the video (and seeing the need for a team name and logo) the day began. I created a logo for our new team, The Globe Walkers, and emailed that out for people's viewing pleasure.


2005.03.19 Our Amazing Race - Alec's Video Idea

"Our Amazing Race"

Basic idea: Introduce ourselves to producers and do it in format similar to Amazing Race.


2005.03.18 Our Amazing Race - Day 2 of 6

I attempt to deliver my answer to my father. He has gone MIA and found himself on a golf course and not answering phone calls until after the round.


2005.03.17 Our Amazing Race - Day 1 of 6

I got a phone call from my father, who tells me that he's got a sweet and sour story for me. In short, he wants me to get in contact with Alec so that he can find out if Alec would be interested in making an insane trip to Philadelphia the coming weekend. The Amazing Race is having an open casting call in Philadelphia for Season 8, and they want families of four to participate. It has been established that the four that they want to participate are my father, sister, brother, and my uncle.


2005.03.16 Things a Toaster would Complain about if Alive

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