Longbored Surfer

Blog entries tagged "work"

2005.05.03 Fanny Packs

I carry a wallet, set of keys, cell phone, and usually a thing of Chap Stick®. If I'm at work I carry my PDA with me. If I'm going to a meeting at work where I have to act like I'm taking notes about a work-related topic, then I take a notebook thing and pen too. I think that it's fair to say that I carry a normal amount of stuff. I rarely feel the need to have more with me than I do. Every now and then I wish I had something, but I don't see anything in my life that would merit a permanent position with me like the previously mentioned items.


2005.04.25 The Spiral Stairs

We have four elevators at work, three full sets of stairs (that go all the way up/down the building) and one spiral set of stairs that just goes perfectly from the first floor to the second in the middle of a huge atrium area that incorporates those same two floors.


2005.04.21 Shaking Hands

If I just met you for the first time, I would be happy to shake your hand, given that you had a hand to be shaken. I'm not talking about an overt attempt to remove your hand by psychotic shaking. I'm referring to the general gripping of a hand in a friendly/business-like manner and acknowledging that I am aware of your presence.


2005.04.21 Printer Paper Tray

Did you know that you can fit an entire ream of paper in the printer paper tray at my work? Seriously, it's possible. I would imagine that it was designed that way. It's smart, there isn't any fumbling with half-reams, or guesstimating the amount of paper that can fit into the tray.


2005.02.21 Things I wouldn't do at work for a Klondike Bar

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