Longbored Surfer

2005.07.15 May and Can

As Sherlock Holmes would say, "It's elementary." Sure, we've finished grammar school, and middle school/junior high, and probably high school. Just because many people aren't actively pursuing a formal education doesn't mean that they should forget some of those lessons taught so very early in their learning careers. The difference between can and may is as simple as ability and permission. Let's break it down.


2005.07.15 Cheerleaders

R, R, R-E-D-L, A, A, A-N-D-S, R-E-D-L-A-N-D-S, Gooooo Redlands! I can understand some energy in a couple things. I've got no beef with the concept of a cheerleader. They're a person designated to lead some cheers, or cheering in general. If there is no cheering to lead, then some cheering should be initiated. Okay, so a large majority of these people happen to be female, and for the most part they seem to be chosen from the "popular" crowd and happen to be probably more on the better looking side of the scale… but that's not what I'm aiming at here. They could be purple people eaters for all I care, but some of their moves they perform are just beyond me.


2005.07.13 Talking to the Speaker

Why do people say "Good Morning" back to a speaker when they're told the same at the beginning of a speech? From what I understand, it's not like we're part of an infomercial."And do you know what else it can do?" (with the crowd responding) "What else can it do?!". Unless there is some sort of prior agreement to respond as an audience member, do the rest of us a favor, and shut it.


2005.07.10 Nose Juice

I love dogs. I grew up with a Yorki, he was a little older than I was and died when we were both twelve. After that my parents owned a Shih Tzu, a Bichon Frise and now my wife and I own a Boston Terrier.


2005.06.30 Baby Oil

Follow me on this one… if olive oil is made from squeezing olives, and grapeseed oil is made in the same fashion (along with many other oils)… what sick person EVER thought of making baby oil? That aside, why does it always have to smell the same? Is there some sort of rule on what baby oil has to smell like? Maybe it's just that I keep smelling the same brand, but something's gotta change. But if the scent DID change, I can already see the scantily-clad baby fashion show that they would have, with little ones strutting their stuff (either crawling, or stumble-walking) down the catwalk. You'd have the designer sitting on the side of the show, with all of his hired "love me please" people, as he talks about the genius it took to come up with this new scent. Whatever. I'm fine with the scent, but let's work on the name, and not think of little ones getting the same thing done to them as olives to get oil.


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