This was a great, and rather quick read about some of the history of a company that makes some of my favorite products. This is an excerpt of Console Wars, by Blake Harris. I knew Nintendo started as a playing card "company", but didn't know the pieces in between (nor the interesting lawsuit by MCA Universal in regards to King Kong). I'd be curious to know if the book is as good as this one excerpt. (credit to my brother for sending me this article nearly two months ago) #
I've had this tab open in my browser for weeks now, as the World Cup has been going on. I love the design, and responsive nature of the site. It has clear information presented in a perfect way. Love it. #
A great concept, and a shame that it's just a self-project. I've thoroughly enjoyed this year's World Cup, and these would be a great commemoration of that. #
I would love it if there were actual prints of this. Napoleon Dynamite is one of my favorite movies, and was blown away to realize it's been 10 years since it was released. This particular piece is slightly in the style of Shepard Fairey, or old communist propaganda. No matter what, I love it. #
This is a really simple and fun game, which teaches you geography using Google Maps. Read the clue, identify the place, get points deducted for how far you are from the right answer, and get a small bonus for answering quickly. I've played a handful of times, and will undoubtedly play it more. #
I'm not a runner. It's never been something that has appealed to me. It's endless pain and torment. I feel no joy staring at a long road, down which I've "chosen" to run. All of this dislike aside, Jeff has a great line within this post:
We wake again and again to ourselves in the middle of life somehow, bound to a contract of habit that we don't remember signing. This is the case for everyone.
I took this on a more spiritual level than he intended, but it applies to everyone. At some point, I hope you live your life intentionally, and don't live it by default. #
That moment has stayed with me my whole life—that cool, controlled response to a threat, the absolute refusal to play the victim. In ... my mother’s calm dispatch of a home invader, I witnessed the assertion of one’s basic right to live life without being f***ed with. And I saw the power of that assertion.
What a great example from a mother. #
How simple.
The number on the speedometer isn't always an indication of how fast you're getting to where you're going.
So often we forget that. Focus. #
I acknowledge I'm sharing an article that advertises its lack of desire to be shared. At the same time, I feel like it's worth reading and sharing. Slow down. Read. Absorb. Enjoy. Improve. Move on. #
This was all over my corner of the interwebs a few weeks ago. I'm not an app developer (yet?), but I value the simple advice for setting up a web server. For a year I tried one of those hosts he mentions. I actually really liked it, but couldn't justify the cost considering this website is... well, it's not like it's making me rich, or even paying for itself at this point. At any rate, Marco's advice is solid, to the point of making we want to give it another shot, if for nothing else than the speed of a VPS. #