2009.09.30 100 Greatest YouTube Hits in 4 Mins
I'm mildly ashamed of how many of these I've already seen. If you haven't seen them before, this is a great place to save lots of time. #
I'm mildly ashamed of how many of these I've already seen. If you haven't seen them before, this is a great place to save lots of time. #
Type something in English, and this goes in cycles converting it to and from Japanese... until you find a perfect example like this. Entertaining for a few minutes. #
We had a few of these when I was growing up. They were pretty fun then, and I essentially forgot about them. This one wasn't too difficult to figure out. #
Pretty fun stuff. Can't believe people have this kind of time, but if it's something you enjoy, you'll make time for it. #
Phun is a playground for the creative mind where machines and toys can be easily created. Phun certainly looks fun. I doubt I'll make the time to play around with it like the people in the sample videos. Neat idea. #
Nothing like Bloxorz, but still fun for at least 10 minutes. #
Insane... I need to see the original movie, but this is just nuts. #
Scary that I knew at least 3 of these already. Such trivial info. :) #
Learn how to romance a girl with one semester of spanish put to a catchy song. Funny stuff. #
Great.... a David Hasselhoff cut-out. Funny stuff. #
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