Links tagged "kids"
I wish this would have existed when I was a kid. This blog is full of patterns and drawings that are just waiting to be colored. Although I really liked a lot of these, I've printed off #2 and #54 to revisit my colored pencil collection. Kudos to Carlton Hibbert (the blog's author) for doing this. Truly awesome. #
An interesting visual representation and analysis on the development of Crayola's color line. I wonder how close the colors fit the actual colors created by Crayola - perfect or not, it's interesting. #
Master yourself and you'll master school as well. Understand the rewards of sacrifices, get your desires and emotions in check and you'll do better. Sent to me by my mother. (goes perfectly with the video I posted as well) #
A charming video showing some kids given a choice: eat this one marshmallow, or leave it alone while I step out of the room, and if you don't eat it while I'm gone, you get a second one. Couldn't have been better timed thanks to the article I just linked to. #
A kindergarten-aged child sketched her own clothes, and her mother was kind enough to create the drawings for the child. I'm sure my wife would love this idea, and might even venture to do it herself, especially considering the artistic abilities of my oldest daughter. #
A well-curated listing of toys, trinkets, clothing, accessories, etc for kids, from Dan Benjamin. #
For the day when I have room to store something like this... I can't help but flag this idea. #
A great set of scanned children's books from… the middle of the (20th) century. I'm a sucker for art from that time period. #
Very slick letterpress Certificate of Record for reporting and documenting lost teeth with the appropriate authorities. At $16 just for the records, however, this whole tooth fairy thing is pretty expensive. (another old link revived) #
I really like this alphabet print, and think the illustration style is even better. Lots of fun! (though I suppose it could be difficult for kids, since the letters aren't perfectly aligned and the names are written in cursive) #