Longbored Surfer

2009.09.22 Rickenbacker Guitar Factory Tour - (NOTCOT)

A fascinating look into the factory that makes the same classic guitar The Beatles used. Don't miss parts 2 and 3 of the tour. #

2009.09.21 Tungsten | Hoefler & Frere-Jones

Tungsten | Hoefler & Frere-Jones

A beautiful typeface and one I can immediately put to use. They aimed to create "… a flat-sided sans serif that was disarming instead of brutish, one that employed confidence and subtlety instead of just raw testosterone." #

2009.09.21 Squidspot - Periodic Table of Typefaces

Squidspot - Periodic Table of Typefaces

While I'm on a Type kick this morning, this Periodic Table of Typefaces is very well done. Sure, there's not much Periodic about it, but I love the attention to detail on it. Don't miss the interview with the creator as well. #

2009.09.18 The secret of school success - USATODAY.com

Master yourself and you'll master school as well. Understand the rewards of sacrifices, get your desires and emotions in check and you'll do better. Sent to me by my mother. (goes perfectly with the video I posted as well) #

2009.09.18 Oh, The Temptation - Vimeo

A charming video showing some kids given a choice: eat this one marshmallow, or leave it alone while I step out of the room, and if you don't eat it while I'm gone, you get a second one. Couldn't have been better timed thanks to the article I just linked to#

2009.09.18 Dan Pink - The Surprising Science of Motivation | TED.com

An interesting talk/presentation, and one that most managers should watch. Hold all the carrots in front me that you want, but that's the wrong kind of motivation for the work I do. Here's the proof. #

2009.09.14 The Painted Pretzel Packaging

The Painted Pretzel Packaging

Besides looking delicious, these pretzels have a fabulously designed label as well. They contribute to the "hand-crafted" message of the product, and have a nice artisan feel to them. Now if only I could get some of those pretzels... #

2009.09.14 Life-Sized PaperCraft Link

Although I thoroughly enjoy the Zelda series of videogames, and think Link is a pretty cool dude, I would never make something like this, no matter how impressive the final product looks. #

2009.09.10 RageHaus - DIY Wooden Wax Seal

RageHaus - DIY Wooden Wax Seal

How freaking cool is this? Really simple instructions on how to make your own old school wooden wax seal. I would imagine this would be a rarity to use, but still would be pretty cool to have (like an embosser). #

2009.09.10 Embeddable Google Document Viewer

A very handy discovery for your PDF-viewing purposes. Use the power of Google to allow people to view PDF's instead of having to use some bloated Adobe plugin.

<iframe src="http://docs.google.com/gview?url=http://infolab.stanford.edu/pub/papers/google.pdf&embedded=true" style="width:600px; height:500px;" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Replace the bolded part with the file, and you're good to go. (special bonus is that it works on powerpoint files as well. Start raising the office roof!) #

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