Longbored Surfer

2009.05.31 The Vendor Client relationship - in real world situations

Sad, but true. Preposterous to even suggest something like this in these situations, yet it's not uncommon for it to happen to freelancers, even minor freelancers like me. #

2009.05.31 Instructables - Electrolytic Rust Removal

A fairly straight-forward way to remove rust from items. I have a couple things I'd like to try this out on, since it sounds plausible. I'd say I'm bookmarking this more for future reference, as opposed to thinking it's a really cool read. #

2009.05.29 Cameron's Home (Ferris Bueller's Day Off) - $2.3M

Cameron's Home (Ferris Bueller's Day Off) - $2.3M

I might still be able to quote the entire movie for you, and if I had a spare $2.3M, I might own an impractical home near Chicago as well. One of a kind. #

2009.05.26 Braid Graphics Briefcase - David Hellman

While we're on the topic of Braid, be sure to check out the full set of graphics released by the game's artist himself, all available for your downloading pleasure. Very cool. #

2009.05.26 Braid

Yesterday I tried out the demo for this side-scrolling game, and couldn't get enough. Honestly, it was one of the first things I thought of when I woke up this morning. I finished the demo, and knew I needed to buy it. Available for Mac/Windows... give the demo a shot. #

2009.05.25 Reflections on Layer Tennis | Jason Santa Maria

I know I'm really late on this one, but it's very worth the linking. My favorite part is probably the cheat sheet (though I'd like to know how much these guys prepare in other ways). Very insightful to read their thoughts and see what they did. (this has been sitting in my feed reader forever, just waiting for me to read) #

2009.05.25 Official Tooth Fairy Kit

Very slick letterpress Certificate of Record for reporting and documenting lost teeth with the appropriate authorities. At $16 just for the records, however, this whole tooth fairy thing is pretty expensive. (another old link revived) #

2009.05.25 Michael Tyznik - Dollar ReDe$ign Project

My current favorite of all the submitted designs to the project. I agree with the premise, and appreciate the items he carried through to his design - green presidents. Who knows when we'll finally get a redesigned bill - not just the meager attempts to disguise what we already have. #

2009.05.25 Kids Albums from the 70s - a set on Flickr

Another late one, but I really enjoyed this record album artwork. There's something... I don't know... uh... random, or unique, or I don't know. I can't really put my finger on it. I just really like the contrast between the current design styles and the older design of this era. Don't forget to check out the article about them#

2009.05.25 Freedom to Surf - The University of Melbourne

“People who do surf the Internet for fun at work - within a reasonable limit of less than 20% of their total time in the office - are more productive by about 9% than those who don’t.” I've worked at a couple places that are hyper sensitive about the allowed sites, and I can't tell you how frustrating it can be to be stymied of a simple mental break. (another oldie I'd been hanging onto) #

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