2009.01.26 Literary Clock
Super easy project, make a book into a clock. Perfect for a child's bedroom--use a storybook. Chances of me actually doing this? Slim to nil. How cool I think this would be to have? Very. #
Super easy project, make a book into a clock. Perfect for a child's bedroom--use a storybook. Chances of me actually doing this? Slim to nil. How cool I think this would be to have? Very. #
An interesting project to collect (photos of) clothing tags. #
I like the idea of gathering images of various posters or things that inspire me. This collection of posters is of course fabulous (considering the source). #
I'd love to put a giant airhorn on my POS car, just to scare some dumb drivers every now and then. Too bad I probably never will. :) #
Not that I have an ounce of ability at drawing (or even with fashion), but I really like these books and the concept behind them. #
A great collection of vintage Disney Christmas Cards. Too bad this has probably stopped (and also too bad that Disney no longer has the empire of awesome characters to draw upon). #
Sure, it's claimed to be a kids puzzle, but I'd like to give it a shot. I'm always a fan of brain teasers. #
One word: wow. #
Giant collection of old-school cereal box covers. I'm glad somebody is out there putting this stuff together so I can just look at 'em. :) #
Vintage swimmer cut-outs. #
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