Longbored Surfer

2008.03.15 36 Beautiful Resume Ideas That Work | JobMob

Make your resume stand out by using a beautiful design that most people have never seen before. Here are some terrific resume ideas to inspire you.*** I might want to try some of these out. #

2008.03.14 butterscotch ice cream | Smitten Kitchen

Yes, I will make this ice cream. #

2008.03.11 Intervalography - Photographic Mapping

Interesting concept. Doubt I'll choose to make the time to do something like this - both the photographing and the compiling. #

2008.03.10 Olla Podrida PLEXUS Puzzle

We had a few of these when I was growing up. They were pretty fun then, and I essentially forgot about them. This one wasn't too difficult to figure out. #

2008.03.01 Rands In Repose: Out Loud

A great article from Rands about presentations. Although I did some of these things previously, he puts them all together so well I'll have to return here in the future. In honor of it... my extremely rare 5 star rating. #

2008.03.01 Handmade 2.0 - New York Times

What are so many crochet-hook-wielding, papermaking, silversmithing handicrafters doing online? Trying to prove that the future of shopping, and of work, is all about the past.

As my personal note, I'm glad this whole revolution is taking place. The pieces I've read of this article are great. I'll need to return to finish this off. #

2008.02.28 Nestography Index

Screenshots of retro games coupled with poignant statements as art. Classic, if for nothing else but the nintendo screenshots. #

2008.02.28 ME3DIA - February 26 2008: Hex silliness

The realization that l33tspeak could be applied to hex values in Photoshop led to a few minutes of frivolity. Why didn't I think of this? #

2008.02.27 How to recreate Silverback's Parallax

An explanation of Silverback's slick website trick they've pulled off. #

2008.02.22 SayNoToCrack's Top 5 Drivethru Songs

Pretty fun stuff. Can't believe people have this kind of time, but if it's something you enjoy, you'll make time for it. #

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