2007.12.15 Amazon removes the database scaling wall (Scripting News)
Intrigued by Amazon's db thing. I'd like to read what this guy has to say about it later. #
Intrigued by Amazon's db thing. I'd like to read what this guy has to say about it later. #
Old/vintage Christmas catalogs. Whoa.... they've gone slightly overboard on the amount of stuff they've scanned in, but some of that stuff is totally funny to see. #
Jim Hill's back with even more answers to your Disney-related questions. This time around, Jim tries to put together a definitive list of where the in-jokes & self references in Pixar's feature films & shorts are located. Cool. #
Just like getting a normal scale. Grr. #
From 1939 and Alexander Dux, a Works Progress Administration/Federal Art Project poster promoting tourism. Love it. #
Handy. #
Nothing like Bloxorz, but still fun for at least 10 minutes. #
BetterZip lets you look into your zip archives and update them on your Mac. --- Uh oh.... I might have to really like this one. #
Plugin for Leopard's Quick Look - look into zip files. Love it. Who needs Stuffit Deluxe? Not me. #
Plugin for Leopard's Quick Look - look into folders #
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