Longbored Surfer

2007.10.26 2008 Tour de France: A classic course with many unknowns

Get pumped. The 2008 TdF course was announced. I like some of the history of this one and throwbacks to older times. Definitely pumped. #

2007.10.17 Digital Web Magazine - jQuery Crash Course

When I take the time to go over to get back into javascript and AJAX I think this'll be handy. #

2007.10.16 The Pedal-to-the-Metal, Totally Illegal, Cross-Country Sprint for Glory

Insane... I need to see the original movie, but this is just nuts. #

2007.10.16 PEZ SWEET WORLD

I know a guy who would really get down with these Pez pieces. I like some of the old school references done by some of the modifications. #

2007.10.16 Idee Montabili

I love their designs. Not all cut-outs, but slick. #

2007.10.16 A List Apart: Articles: Findings From the Web Design Survey

Really interesting to me - both as a web guy as well as a number cruncher. #

2007.10.15 BibliOdyssey: Design Nouveau

Interesting designs. Maybe to be used at a later date. (also here#

2007.10.11 Neatorama - Mel Blanc on Letterman (1981)

I loved these old school Warner Brothers cartoons. Such great memories. #

2007.10.11 5 Of The Biggest Gangs | A List of Lists

It's really sad to see the impact of one of these specifically to the lives of the wonderful people of El Salvador. Really.... really sad. #

2007.10.10 hfsdebug: A Debugger for HFS Plus Volumes

Mac OS X Internals. Maybe for a rainy day... but not high priority right now. #

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