2008.12.03 IKEA - Shorter Bedtime Stories
Awesome. Sometimes I wish the books could be that quick to read, and also that my bed was that comfortable. #
Awesome. Sometimes I wish the books could be that quick to read, and also that my bed was that comfortable. #
Awesome library. It sure would be nice to have such a luxury as this, though I don't see many cozy chairs that would actually help in the reading aspect of the books. #
A collection of bookmarks found in used books. I love these. I generally use whatever I find nearby as a bookmark. One of my personal favorites is the receipt from a turkey I bought for Thanksgiving a couple years ago. Still using it. #
Interesting designs. Maybe to be used at a later date. (also here) #
Old school illustrations from 60's schoolbooks. I just like this style of illustration, not really interested in the content. #
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