2009.08.03 Leaders of Tomorrow
Though nowhere nearly as applicable to me these days as it was before, I'd still love to have this shirt. #
Though nowhere nearly as applicable to me these days as it was before, I'd still love to have this shirt. #
World Famous Design Junkies put together a collection of vintage clothing tags. I've always been interested in some of the tags on my old ties or gag clothing (seriously). #
I'm not sure why somebody hasn't purchased this shirt for me, since nothing could represent me better than this shirt. #
Great t-shirt that just might need to join my wardrobe. While we're on the topic of video games… I think Super Mario Brothers 2 was such an enlightening game, since I still think of the jumping style of each of the characters, based upon on they originally performed in that game. The two characters on this t-shirt (Toad and Luigi) were my two favorite characters in that game, very closely followed by Princess Peach. Sorry... back to your regularly scheduled links. #
An interesting project to collect (photos of) clothing tags. #
Not that I have an ounce of ability at drawing (or even with fashion), but I really like these books and the concept behind them. #
Love it. Not sure who would be impressed by clothes made by me... but yeah, cool. #
design geekingout inspiration ma.gnolia reference web2.0 clothing DIY people wantit print css typography infographics maps food foodforthought humor kids wanttoseeit toys photos recipes webgeek work language games timekiller illustration vintage music flickr cut-outs books spanish webdesign rubyonrails google mac art figurines sports photography flash movies afk posters origami lego videogames entertainment unfortunate currentevents surf beatles iphone computer flyers AFK writing quote datanerd diy 3dprinting churchofjesuschristoflatterdaysaints