2008.01.31 Frozen Smiles
Awesome. This would be a great stocking stuffer for me, if anybody wants to buy it for me. #
Awesome. This would be a great stocking stuffer for me, if anybody wants to buy it for me. #
Tips of parents and others who are around babies. Thankfully not guilty of too many of these. #
Just like getting a normal scale. Grr. #
If the help desk thinks your question is stupid, we will set you on fire. I love it, and only wish I could have a similar sign to that. #
Learn how to romance a girl with one semester of spanish put to a catchy song. Funny stuff. #
Love it. We know he was dirty for at least part of it (though it's still an amazing record). Still.... dirty. #
Great.... a David Hasselhoff cut-out. Funny stuff. #
So wrong... so very wrong (but funny). #
What this 3 year old is going to do to a Monster. #
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