Links tagged "mac"
Although I use both Coda and Espresso, this theme by Joe Bergantine is great. I spend too much time staring at code not to be able to appreciate this (plus, who doesn't love the railscast theme?) #
Since I'm on a TidBITS roll here, this is a great write-up of something I've encouraged multiple people to do. I love the combination, and they've documented the steps perfectly. Well worth the effort. Don't own a Mac? You should. #
I thought this same thing when they announced Snow Leopard. In short, if it's not going to be full of things that users want immediately, yet developers want immediately... then help out your developers and make the update cheap/free for users. #
Handy. #
One of the most annoying messages, especially when all applications have quit. Handy reference on how to figure things out. #
How did I miss this compilation? Lots of keepers on here, and some new ones too. #
Rob Griffiths explores whether a real Mac is more than the sum of its parts, by building his own OS X-powered machine. Pretty cool, wonder if/when it will ever be a normal/easy process. #
Might just want to play with this slick .htaccess editor to make my life a bit easier. #
BetterZip lets you look into your zip archives and update them on your Mac. --- Uh oh.... I might have to really like this one. #
Plugin for Leopard's Quick Look - look into zip files. Love it. Who needs Stuffit Deluxe? Not me. #