Links tagged "timekiller"
ComplimentBot 4000 is a random compliment generator for those moments when you could use a little extra praise. It's right up my alley - not only because some of them are true and deserved, but because others are soooooo wrong. #
Always interesting to me. Curious to see how things relate, or how people think things relate. Either way. #
Veer. Visual elements for design and creativity. A new perspective on photography, footage, and type. Buy and download online. I really should just buy the 2004-2007 books. $12 total? Right up my alley, and full of good stuff. #
Bloxorz. Flash game. Holy crap.... I don't need another addictive game like this one... but I feel some NEED to finish this.... UGH!! :) (up to 543019, 728724) #