Longbored Surfer

Links tagged "wantit"

2009.01.26 Secret Throwing Star Magnets

'Secret Mark' Throwing Star Magnets - I'd love to have some of these, in case you're interested in buying me a random gift. #

2009.01.26 Literary Clock

Super easy project, make a book into a clock. Perfect for a child's bedroom--use a storybook. Chances of me actually doing this? Slim to nil. How cool I think this would be to have? Very. #

2009.01.26 Honk if You Like Horns! - Neatorama

I'd love to put a giant airhorn on my POS car, just to scare some dumb drivers every now and then. Too bad I probably never will. :) #

2009.01.26 Didactic Puzzle by Marko Pavlovic - Yanko Design

Sure, it's claimed to be a kids puzzle, but I'd like to give it a shot. I'm always a fan of brain teasers. #

2009.01.09 SMeltery - MEgalopolis Extra

Handy, good looking, free typeface. Just imagining all the places I could use this. #

2008.12.03 Voala.eu - ICEBLOX

ICEBLOX ice cube tray, make an ice play the game, and chill your drink. I think my wife would find these humorous, but I don't know if she'd actually use them. #

2008.12.03 Evan Roth: TSA Communication

Hilarious way to mess with our least favorite travel speed bumps. #

2008.12.03 Browse the Artifacts of Geek History in Jay Walker's Library

Awesome library. It sure would be nice to have such a luxury as this, though I don't see many cozy chairs that would actually help in the reading aspect of the books. #

2008.12.03 aprilscott :: Rainbow Windowpanes Dress

Buy Rainbow Windowpanes Sundress. For whatever reason I love this little dress, and think one of my girls would look super cute in it. #

2008.02.11 Fontifier - Your own handwriting on your computer!

Your own handwriting on your computer! I'm sold. #

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