Longbored Surfer

2010.11.26 Rands In Repose: An Unexpected Connection

This article rings more true to me than most others I've read in a while.

"Discovery of structure in a chaotic world means less chaos, and while we’re happy to make you laugh, the idea of a more orderly, structured, and knowable world is what drives us and keeps us warm in bed at night."


2010.11.26 Powerslide Design Co - The Early Bird

Powerslide Design Co - The Early Bird

I'm not sure why I didn't link to this when I originally saw it (9 months ago). I really like this print, and have fond memories of going fishing early in the morning with my father. Although the print has different plants than are ever near the alpine treeline (where I'm used to fishing), it's still a nice print. #

2010.11.15 Girl Talk - All Day

Girl Talk - All Day

I listened to the previous album by Girl Talk/Greg Gillis (Feed the Animals) dozens of times, and am blindly recommending this album for all fans of mixes. #

2010.11.14 The Speech Accent Archive

The Speech Accent Archive

Steven Weinberger at George Mason University has created a speech accent archive, where he has recorded people from around the world reading the same paragraph. It's fascinating to click around and listen to a variety of accents (plus, click on the "search" function to see even more samples). I've already spent too much time doing this. My particular favorites directly from the map are the following samples: Russia, Australia, El Salvador, Edinburgh, UK, Oxfordshire, UK, Ivory Coast, North Carolina, <a href="http://accent.gmu.edu/searchsaa.php?function=detail&speakerid=107"Arkansas, Brooklyn, NY#

2010.11.10 Hammacher Schlemmer - Arctic Force Snow Trac-Ball

Hammacher Schlemmer - Arctic Force Snow Trac-Ball

Wham-o makes this awesome jai alai style snowball launcher (which would work great in most any type of snow, except the super dry-and-hard-to-compact snow I get). Despite that, I think this would be really cool to play with... for probably 10 minutes. #

2010.11.10 Eric Hancock - The Digital Snowshop - Smart Print #18

Eric Hancock - The Digital Snowshop - Smart Print #18

For whatever reason I really like this tiny little print. Comes on a 4x6, but weighs in at 1.25"x1.75". For $5, I'd still buy it, or hope somebody buys it for me for Christmas <hint, hint> #

2010.11.10 Dreamfarm | Tapi | Tap/Faucet Squeeze Drinking Fountain

Dreamfarm | Tapi | Tap/Faucet Squeeze Drinking Fountain

One of my early blog posts was about a product similar to this. Tapi seems like it would have troubles on the vast majority of faucets in my home, but Jokari (the company who makes the original gadget I blogged about) doesn't look as nice or function as well. Either way, these types of things are a dream to have. #

2010.11.10 Design*Sponge » DIY Project: Monogram Stationery Set

Design*Sponge » DIY Project: Monogram Stationery Set

I thought this was a really good idea (and not too complicated). Carve/cut your own stamps out of block linoleum. Still has a nice personal touch. #

2010.11.10 buckeyes | smitten kitchen

buckeyes | smitten kitchen

While I'm on the topic of what I'd like, I'd really like to eat some of these. When I was young my mother would make a variation on these, which I thoroughly enjoyed. This particular recipe has some differences which I could really get behind (no paraffin wax in the chocolate, for starters). #

2010.11.03 The Making of Raven's Wing - Coudal Partners

The Making of Raven's Wing - Coudal Partners

I particularly like these notebooks (Field Notes), and I'm fascinated by the printing process. Although it's not as detailed as I'd like it to be (I could spend hours/days at a printing press, just learning how it all works), it's still pretty cool. #

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