Longbored Surfer

2010.10.24 9GAG - Tomato Smoothie

9GAG - Tomato Smoothie

“If tomatoes are a fruit, isn't ketchup technically a smoothie?” Sometimes I like to dip my french fries in a chocolate shake, but usually, it now appears I like to dip them in a tomato smoothie. #

2010.10.23 IBM 'Outcomes' Campaign

IBM 'Outcomes' Campaign

Clever double-meaning ads by the Dutch Uncle Agency. What's better is that it isn't just once, but multiple times. Very cool use of negative space. #

2010.10.23 f8 Conference | Bernard Barry

f8 Conference | Bernard Barry

Bernard Barry made some great posters that fit very well into the desired message of the recent f8 Conference. I'm not much of a fan of Facebook, but his incorporation of chaotic and organized elements is extremely well-balanced. I love these. #

2010.10.23 Design*Sponge » Wool Felt Pot Holders

Design*Sponge » Wool Felt Pot Holders

A great (and super simple) guide on how to make some great looking autumn-themed pot holders. I love these, and could easily see these being adapted to other styles and seasons. Great idea. #

2010.10.22 YouTube - Norwegian Recycling - Miracles

An awesome mash-up. I took the chance to listen to some of Norwegian Recycling's other material, and there's some obvious skill. At least watch the video. #

2010.10.02 Rhymes with Orange - Dog Scrapbooks

Rhymes with Orange - Dog Scrapbooks

It's funny, because it'd be true (and gross, but that's how dogs are). From 9/23/2010. #

2010.09.21 akaDora font

akaDora font

Sadly, I don't remember how I found this typeface, just that I like it. It feels like fancy vintage window painting hand lettering. You know what I mean. #

2010.09.20 Why are so many programmers arrogant?

“In contrast to ‘normal’ people, engineers have rational objectives for social interactions:

  1. Get it over with as soon as possible
  2. Avoid getting invited to something unpleasant
  3. Demonstrate mental superiority and mastery of all subjects.”
- Scott Adams in Dilbert Principle #

2010.09.20 Spike Mendelsohn's Almond Joy Milkshake

Spike Mendelsohn's Almond Joy Milkshake

I've had this page opened in a tab of my browser for the past two months, because I keep wanting to make it. It reads like a delicious recipe, and easy enough anybody could do it. Sign me up. #

2010.09.17 Kiersten Essenpreis - "Skeletor Gets a Root Canal"

Kiersten Essenpreis - "Skeletor Gets a Root Canal"

If I were a dentist, I'd buy this, and put this in my office. #

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