2009.05.08 handdrawncreative's Petrolhead Postcard Col VII (Etsy)
I really like these illustrations. I'm not sure if it's the vintage feel of them or what… but I dig 'em. #
I really like these illustrations. I'm not sure if it's the vintage feel of them or what… but I dig 'em. #
A super slow-motion video of a fabulous wave. Although I've always wanted to surf well enough to ride a wave like that, I liked the shot at about 11 seconds in to be just as cool. #
We just talked about this yesterday. Have you started on your MMIX yet? This site has. #
With full respect to SIFR and how nice it was/is to get alternate fonts into web pages, Cufón is so easy, it makes me wonder why I ever spent the time to figure out SIFR. Very slick. #
Discovered my grandfather's favorite movie on YouTube. This page, combined with this handy tip means you could enjoy this classic whenever you choose. #
totally looks like . More humorous than serious, but definitely interesting. #
Great illustrations and an enviable style. Best of luck to them in finding out more info about the artist (which is actually the point of the entry). I just liked the illustrations. #
I thought the cheating trick was pretty handy: "When you're trying to decide whether to use who or whom, ask yourself if the answer to the question would be he or him." That ending m is the thing to match. Sure, there's still plenty of room for questions, but that's just how English is. #
Always a good "blog" and one that I "remind" myself of frequently. I'm commonly frustrated by some people and their use of "quotation marks." (seriously, though... funny, and one I had forgotten about) #
Since I'm on a TidBITS roll here, this is a great write-up of something I've encouraged multiple people to do. I love the combination, and they've documented the steps perfectly. Well worth the effort. Don't own a Mac?
design geekingout inspiration ma.gnolia reference web2.0 clothing DIY people wantit print css typography infographics maps food foodforthought humor kids wanttoseeit toys photos recipes webgeek work language games timekiller illustration vintage music flickr cut-outs books spanish webdesign rubyonrails google mac art figurines sports photography flash movies afk posters origami lego videogames entertainment unfortunate currentevents surf beatles iphone computer flyers AFK writing quote datanerd diy 3dprinting churchofjesuschristoflatterdaysaints