2007.09.17 indexed: You know you're worth it
Been there. Asked for that. #
Been there. Asked for that. #
It would sure be nice to have this all done automatically. I'd pay somebody to do this for me even. All so some luxury device can be more luxurious. #
Always interesting to me. Curious to see how things relate, or how people think things relate. Either way. #
A library of factory sleeves. A reference for vinyl geeks and graphic designers. Illustrator Kavel Rafferty collects printed 7" company sleeves. #
Part of me wishes I understood this. There just seems to be too many different formats out there. I don't have time for this. #
Whoa. That's a lot of pencils. Interesting to see how different something can be that's essentially the same. #
So wrong... so very wrong (but funny). #
Animated Knot-Tying for Boating, Climbing, Fishing, Scouting, Search and Rescue, and Arborists. Pretty cool, and possibly handy later. #
Veer. Visual elements for design and creativity. A new perspective on photography, footage, and type. Buy and download online. I really should just buy the 2004-2007 books. $12 total? Right up my alley, and full of good stuff. #
Thank goodness for bookmarks #
design geekingout inspiration ma.gnolia reference web2.0 clothing DIY people wantit print css typography infographics maps food foodforthought humor kids wanttoseeit toys photos recipes webgeek work language games timekiller illustration vintage music flickr cut-outs books spanish webdesign rubyonrails google mac art figurines sports photography flash movies afk posters origami lego videogames entertainment unfortunate currentevents surf beatles iphone computer flyers AFK writing quote datanerd diy 3dprinting churchofjesuschristoflatterdaysaints