Longbored Surfer

2007.09.10 Styling File Inputs with CSS and the DOM

Trust Inman to come up with something handy and cool like this. #

2007.09.10 Games » Bloxorz

Bloxorz. Flash game. Holy crap.... I don't need another addictive game like this one... but I feel some NEED to finish this.... UGH!! :) (up to 543019, 728724) #

2007.09.10 Creative Interiors Coloring Book + Color Pencil Set

Coloring book for adults. Looks awesome. #

2007.09.08 The Indo-European Family of Languages

Interesting. Some of this I knew, other parts I didn't, but it makes sense. #

2007.09.06 The 10 Biggest Mistakes Freelancers Make, and How to Avoid Them

Great to see these... just need to remember them. #

2007.09.06 Smitten Kitchen | Layered Lemon Love

I love lemon cakes... just need to make this one now. #

2007.09.06 Constantine dollhouse @ Kidsmodern

Handmade dollhouse with unique wallpapering. Great for playing 2-3 girls together or alone by yourself. Can be placed on a table or on floor. Maybe it can be easily dismantled for storage too. #

2007.09.05 YouTube - 3 year old vs. Monster

What this 3 year old is going to do to a Monster. #

2007.09.05 News from the Front

I always like Paul Graham's work. #

2007.09.04 What Spices to Use

Hard to distinguish between good taste and a text-list... it's an acquired taste. #

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