Longbored Surfer

Links tagged "design"

2009.06.04 Brand Spotlight: Crayola

A fascinating look back at Crayola's packaging through the years. I think its great when companies reprint their older packaging. Very cool. #

2009.05.25 Reflections on Layer Tennis | Jason Santa Maria

I know I'm really late on this one, but it's very worth the linking. My favorite part is probably the cheat sheet (though I'd like to know how much these guys prepare in other ways). Very insightful to read their thoughts and see what they did. (this has been sitting in my feed reader forever, just waiting for me to read) #

2009.05.25 Official Tooth Fairy Kit

Very slick letterpress Certificate of Record for reporting and documenting lost teeth with the appropriate authorities. At $16 just for the records, however, this whole tooth fairy thing is pretty expensive. (another old link revived) #

2009.05.25 Michael Tyznik - Dollar ReDe$ign Project

My current favorite of all the submitted designs to the project. I agree with the premise, and appreciate the items he carried through to his design - green presidents. Who knows when we'll finally get a redesigned bill - not just the meager attempts to disguise what we already have. #

2009.05.25 Kids Albums from the 70s - a set on Flickr

Another late one, but I really enjoyed this record album artwork. There's something... I don't know... uh... random, or unique, or I don't know. I can't really put my finger on it. I just really like the contrast between the current design styles and the older design of this era. Don't forget to check out the article about them#

2009.05.12 Etsy - Geek Book by erinzam

An old school computer punch-card bound notebook with green-lined computer paper, tied closed with a button and string? Yes please. I love this idea. I think it's well time for these to go beyond Etsy. #

2009.05.02 Coudal Partners' Layer Tennis - Week 11

I've been enjoying this season's Layer Tennis, and somewhat agree with Jason Lynes that this may be one of the best matches I've seen. Although the first couple layers were battle-ish, the remainder gave much more of a feeling of collaboration than competition. Very well done (plus we'll give them credit for using the Futura typeface on the same site that laud's it in their Field Notes products). #

2009.03.14 Console Wars Veteran I

Console Wars Veteran I

I'd certainly consider myself a veteran of this war, and specifically this system (and one other they have listed). This would be a pin I would wear with pride (sure, add on the SNES pin as well and I'd be thrilled). #

2009.03.14 Bob Staake - Totally Amazing Posters

A collection of mid-20th century posters collected by Bob Staake. At first I was captivated by the collection, and then I looked at the rest of his work (auto-playing music :P). If I were actually talented, this is the type of work I'd love to call my own. #

2009.01.26 Welcome to Hogan's Alley!

For over 60 years, cartoonist and illustrator Roy Doty made his own Christmas Card he sent to friends and colleagues. This interview talks about him, them, and shows off some of his work. I think its a great tradition (that of home-made Christmas cards). #

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