Longbored Surfer

Links tagged "design"

2009.01.26 swissmiss: Oliver Jeffers...

I officially have a new favorite kid's book author: Oliver Jeffers. My wonderful office mate Jennifer brought in a stack of his books and they keep me from focusing on work... (Must read. Must flip through pages. Must read again!)... At the library we checked out The Incredible Book Eating Boy and loved it enough to buy it. I'm curious to try the others. #

2009.01.26 fashionary | a fashion designers' sketchbook

Not that I have an ounce of ability at drawing (or even with fashion), but I really like these books and the concept behind them. #

2009.01.26 Agence eureka

Vintage swimmer cut-outs. #

2008.12.22 Monopoly Repackaging | Andy Mangold

Monopoly, in spite being the classiest of all board games, unfortunately is packaged just as boringly and uncreatively as every other garbage board game on the shelves. Pretty slick. #

2008.12.03 Sardine King - Vintage California Sardine Can Labels

Sardineking.com - The largest collection of vintage California sardine can labels on the internet. Fun. #

2008.12.03 Luxist - Alpina Watch Logo

Great logo. The swiss know how to do it. #

2008.12.03 Delicious Industries - Vintage Matchbook Covers

Very cool. I used to collect matchbooks for some reason.These are far cooler. #

2008.12.03 cabel.name: On Wedding Design

I wish I could go back and do it all over. So. Very. Cool. #

2008.12.03 Airmail Etiquettes

Yet again, I love the old school design on these things. Too bad we only get fugly tags on our bag these days. #

2008.06.25 Handy Designer's Tools "On The Fly"

Noupe is a design weblog created to inspire creativity by sharing innovative resources and websites to bloggers, freelancers and web designers. Going to have to come back to this one later. #

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