2010.05.15 Get YouTube Video Bookmarklet
YouTube updated their site, and made the previous bookmarklet not work any longer. Although I figured out how to make it work again, I'm glad to see somebody else actually blogged about it. #
YouTube updated their site, and made the previous bookmarklet not work any longer. Although I figured out how to make it work again, I'm glad to see somebody else actually blogged about it. #
Undoubtedly you'll see another link to this one, but Steve Jobs publicly defends Apple's position on Flash. It's a well constructed piece, and finishes even better: "New open standards created in the mobile era, such as HTML5, will win on mobile devices (and PCs too). Perhaps Adobe should focus more on creating great HTML5 tools for the future, and less on criticizing Apple for leaving the past behind." #
Okay, now I'm convinced I need an iPad. #
A useless link for the vast majority of people who might read this, but a page I found fairly helpful in a recent endeavor of mine. #
Apparently 75% of us don't notice large fairly obvious changes in some cases. I'd like to think I'm part of the 25% (at least when it comes to working with people, like in the example). (btw, I love Gruber's description, and totally agree: “freaky”) #
I've watched too many infomercials about the Cricut - a personal CNC machine for crafters. I think it'd be slick to own one, but I've never been able to convince myself that it'd be worth it, mainly because it seemed that you'd be stuck buying their cartridges as $50 a piece. Luckily, it appears this company has built a computer program that lets you use any typeface or other vector on your computer and print it while attaching your Cricut to a computer. It's still a $180 machine (for the smallest), and another $75 for this program. #
USB hard drives in old school NES and SNES cartridges. I love the idea, and think the pricing is extremely reasonable as well. I admit - part of me cries inside as each cartridge is no longer playable. Sign me up for a 640GB Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past cartridge please! #
This one won't be for everyone, but I think it's fun. Chiptuned Beatles music. What's that? Think of old-school sounding video game music... then make the music they're playing The Beatles, then add some kind of (potentially digital) voice track. #
I'm late to this one, but what an amazing set of world landmarks built in painstaking detail with Lego's. My personal favorite of the bunch, and one I wish was available with instructions is St. Basil's Cathedral. #
I think it'd be handy to have something like if only to try to reduce wear on an existing handle, and potentially distribute weight more evenly. The time requirement to make this is a bit hefty, but might be worth it. #
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