2009.11.08 Google Dashboard
An all-in-one place to see everything you use/store on Google. Daunting for someone like me. #
An all-in-one place to see everything you use/store on Google. Daunting for someone like me. #
A handy little tool that gets colors in formats that geeks work with. Sign me up. #
Yeah, the lyrics are just that unique… not. #
For the audiophile and Beatles fan in you, Andy Baio found some analysis of the original multi-track master recordings. Very interesting to hear the various pieces. I'd love to hear more of this. If anything, download the track for Come Together, because you know you know that song. #
A handy little bit to be able to pull a font out of a PDF. Nice to know of this open source font editor, since I usually just want to tweak something, not create one from scratch. #
An interesting talk/presentation, and one that most managers should watch. Hold all the carrots in front me that you want, but that's the wrong kind of motivation for the work I do. Here's the proof. #
Although I thoroughly enjoy the Zelda series of videogames, and think Link is a pretty cool dude, I would never make something like this, no matter how impressive the final product looks. #
A very handy discovery for your PDF-viewing purposes. Use the power of Google to allow people to view PDF's instead of having to use some bloated Adobe plugin.
<iframe src="http://docs.google.com/gview?url=http://infolab.stanford.edu/pub/papers/google.pdf&embedded=true" style="width:600px; height:500px;" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Replace the bolded part with the file, and you're good to go. (special bonus is that it works on powerpoint files as well. Start raising the office roof!) #
I've been following this project on Kickstarter since its inception, and was very interested to see how it would turn out. Although I'm not a Miles Davis super-fan, this creation is a fabulous rendition, and I think a great tribute (albeit modern and geek chic) to the jazz master. #
I'm very late to this one (saved it to review at a later date... and that date finally came). Weezer songs and video game sound chip tunes, all mashed up into what would only be one of the most awesome soundtracks to an 8-bit video game ever. My personal favorites are 4 (with human vocals), and 7 (sans vocals). Very cool. Very geek chic. #
design geekingout inspiration ma.gnolia reference web2.0 clothing DIY people wantit print css typography infographics maps food foodforthought humor kids wanttoseeit toys photos recipes webgeek work language games timekiller illustration vintage music flickr cut-outs books spanish webdesign rubyonrails google mac art figurines sports photography flash movies afk posters origami lego videogames entertainment unfortunate currentevents surf beatles iphone computer flyers AFK writing quote datanerd diy 3dprinting churchofjesuschristoflatterdaysaints