Longbored Surfer

Links tagged "illustration"

2008.01.02 Today's Inspiration: Jack Welch: A Christmas Revelation

Slick. I may need to start following this blog to check out the illustrations from this time period. #

2007.12.13 indexed: Um, thanks?

Just like getting a normal scale. Grr. #

2007.12.10 See America: 1939 | Shorpy Historical Photographs

From 1939 and Alexander Dux, a Works Progress Administration/Federal Art Project poster promoting tourism. Love it. #

2007.11.27 Dark Roasted Blend: Retro-Future: To The Stars!

Soviet & Eastern Bloc "popular tech & science" magazines, German, Italian, British fantastic illustrations and promotional literature - all from the Golden Age of Retro-Future (from 1930s to 1970s). Slick. #

2007.11.13 Illustrator Pen tool exercises | Veerle's blog

It seems to hard to convince people to use the pen tool, sometimes. I'm not quite cool enough to use Illustrator, but I certainly like using it in Fireworks. #

2007.11.04 ASIFA-Hollywood Animation Archive: Illustration: Early 50s Disney Christmas Cards

Love these old school Disney greeting cards. Fun to see some of them do a little vintage flare on a then-modern theme. Slick. #

2007.10.15 BibliOdyssey: Design Nouveau

Interesting designs. Maybe to be used at a later date. (also here#

2007.10.02 Process Junkie: The Best Figure Drawing Books Ever

Pretty slick. I may not necessarily be as interested in what it's trying to teach as I am in the vintage-ness of it. #

2007.09.26 Fed by Birds: Estonian Schoolbooks

Old school illustrations from 60's schoolbooks. I just like this style of illustration, not really interested in the content. #

2007.09.13 The Politically Incorrect Alphabet

So wrong... so very wrong (but funny). #

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