Links tagged "vintage"
What a fabulous (albeit random) find! Pay no attention to the horrendous website design, or the obviously old-school game… just trust me that it's a real winner; a super-simple Asteriod-esque game. Download it, play it, love it. Don't tell my father about it, however, since I want to be the one to make him wet his pants in excitement. He misses this game, and honestly so did I. I sure with Ambrosia would bring back some of their other games. #
Thanks to The Library of Congress for their continual (Friday) Flickr uploads with photos of awesome old places (hereafter referred to as AOP's). This particular photo I love, mainly because of the architectural detail in the buildings. (Easy to see where Lego could be inspired for some of their buildings) #
The owners of Papier Valise have an eye for lovely old labels. Vintage paper (and other provisions) are all available through their online shop (some in large quantities). This particular example reminds me of something that inspired, or could be re-created with that beautiful typeface Phaeton. #
Possibly due to my recent thoughts being filled with how to use that blasted new typeface Phaeton, and its older feel... or maybe it's because these illustrations are so spot on and perfectly fitting such a classic book. Either way, they deserve an appreciative review once more. (or see the full flickr set) #
World Famous Design Junkies put together a collection of vintage clothing tags. I've always been interested in some of the tags on my old ties or gag clothing (seriously). #
The scene, with its washed out colors, and setup look great. Not something I would anticipate seeing in North America, but then again… I've never been to Quebec, and I wasn't alive in 1901 when this photo was taken. #
A great set of scanned children's books from… the middle of the (20th) century. I'm a sucker for art from that time period. #
For some reason I really like this poster by Brad Klausen for Eddie Vedder. It might be for the simple color scheme (4 colors), or the retro-ish feel to it. I'm not sure. Either way, it's a win for me. #
A fascinating look back at Crayola's packaging through the years. I think its great when companies reprint their older packaging. Very cool. #
Another late one, but I really enjoyed this record album artwork. There's something... I don't know... uh... random, or unique, or I don't know. I can't really put my finger on it. I just really like the contrast between the current design styles and the older design of this era. Don't forget to check out the article about them. #