2009.05.08 handdrawncreative's Petrolhead Postcard Col VII (Etsy)
I really like these illustrations. I'm not sure if it's the vintage feel of them or what… but I dig 'em. #
I really like these illustrations. I'm not sure if it's the vintage feel of them or what… but I dig 'em. #
A collection of mid-20th century posters collected by Bob Staake. At first I was captivated by the collection, and then I looked at the rest of his work (auto-playing music :P). If I were actually talented, this is the type of work I'd love to call my own. #
Although not Saturday Evening Post covers (I loved Norman Rockwell), this set of Popular Science covers is nearly as classic. What a great showcase of art and talent, representing a vital part of our history. #
A great collection of vintage Disney Christmas Cards. Too bad this has probably stopped (and also too bad that Disney no longer has the empire of awesome characters to draw upon). #
Giant collection of old-school cereal box covers. I'm glad somebody is out there putting this stuff together so I can just look at 'em. :) #
Vintage swimmer cut-outs. #
Sardineking.com - The largest collection of vintage California sardine can labels on the internet. Fun. #
Very cool old school illustration. I always think it's interesting to look back to see what we though the future would be like... and see how wrong we were. #
Very cool. I used to collect matchbooks for some reason.These are far cooler. #
Yet again, I love the old school design on these things. Too bad we only get fugly tags on our bag these days. #
design geekingout inspiration ma.gnolia reference web2.0 clothing DIY people wantit print css typography infographics maps food foodforthought humor kids wanttoseeit toys photos recipes webgeek work language games timekiller illustration vintage music flickr cut-outs books spanish webdesign rubyonrails google mac art figurines sports photography flash movies afk posters origami lego videogames entertainment unfortunate currentevents surf beatles iphone computer flyers AFK writing quote datanerd diy 3dprinting churchofjesuschristoflatterdaysaints