Longbored Surfer

2009.07.11 The Wind in the Willows

The Wind in the Willows

Possibly due to my recent thoughts being filled with how to use that blasted new typeface Phaeton, and its older feel... or maybe it's because these illustrations are so spot on and perfectly fitting such a classic book. Either way, they deserve an appreciative review once more. (or see the full flickr set#

2009.07.11 Phaeton's Creation Process

Kevin Cornell delves into the creation process of the typeface Phaeton, to which I linked almost a week ago. Still can't seem to break away from this typeface. Maybe I should just break down and buy it, instead of drool over it. #

2009.07.11 KidWash 2 : PVC Sprinkler Water Toy

For the day when I have room to store something like this... I can't help but flag this idea. #

2009.07.11 Dilbert - 7/9/09 - Compensation

Dilbert - 7/9/09 - Compensation

Like most Dilbert strips, this one is unfortunately spot on. #

2009.07.11 Bad Domain Purchase

Bad Domain Purchase

This shipment of fail post reminded me of Tobias Fünke's business card (a character on the ill-fated, but wonderfully crafted TV series Arrested Development), which was a combination of an Analyst and a Therapist. See this clip, about 16 seconds in to see his job title. #

2009.07.08 Lego Waterfall house

Lego Waterfall house

I'm not normally into the whole castle scenes of Lego, but I particularly liked this setup. Nice touches like the sand green and brown home, which gives it a European feel. Slick. #

2009.07.07 Versus | Tour de France - Live

I love The Tour de France. I've talked about it before. This year, American TV finally pulled their heads out, and made their broadcast available online. I'm in love, since I don't want to pay obscene money just to get one channel for the 21 stages. #

2009.07.07 Tour de France Chalkbot

Speaking of The Tour, I never knew something like this existed - a computer that prints out chalk messages on the road for the riders to see. The messages were obvious, but I never knew it was done by a computer on a trailer. Very slick. #

2009.07.07 James Brown gives you dancing lessons

Because you need to brush up on some old-school dance moves, and because James Brown is a smooth operator. #

2009.07.07 darkgate comic slurper

I used to host a comic scraper on my own site, but all I really wanted was an easy way to read multiple comics. This "slurper" does that job for me now. It lets you customize which comics you want to see (out of hundreds) then can even conveniently put them into a RSS/Atom feed for daily consumption. #

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