No feed items read on my phone for two weeks. The experience pales to reading them on a computer.
Yearly auto inspection. I wonder what is wrong with the POS I drive this time.
Loving the power of a custom print css.
Twitter was mentioned multiple times on ESPN’s SportsCenter this morning. Weird.
In the post-massage haze.
@Blazeorange Need a hand hearing insults from an electronic device?
@mezzoblue As opposed to Monopoly money? Nice move.
Hacked my AppleTV. Just need to get external drives working on that thing, and we’ll be good to go!
Finally coming to grips with the fact that I’ve lost almost all my bookmarks I had saved in ma.gnolia. That sucks.
Both kids are now autonomous on a playground. Awesome.
@cliftonite It’s a rerun. If you had TiVo, you’d have known that.
I suppose I can finally get that new windshield so I pass safety inspection. I could see just fine with the giant cracks in the old one.
Digging Jack Johnson all over again.
Apparently really overdue system software update.
I want to go to there.
Of the Taco.
“Truly, you have a dizzying intellect.”
Field Notes surgery: http://bit.ly/121LV
GuitarFun/FretsOnFire…. not so fun, nor on fire.
Spurs put on a good one today vs the Celtics. Overall a great weekend for sports outcomes.
Horror Vacui’s theme music is addictive.
@rands If that’s true, I’m on fire.
I have come to appreciate a good fast-food restaurant playground.
Thrilled with the Liverpool v Portsmouth match results today. Closer than I like them to be, but what a great match.
HDTV sure does let you see just how ugly some people really are.
The way two little letters can impact a perfect deployment is staggering.
Prepared multiple months for today’s event. So far, so good. Going to be a busy week.