@altonbrown Tell me about it.
You don’t normally look to me for tweets like this, but I really like @TheAthletic (and I just gave my brother a su..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…LR

LFC Tell the world…
We are Liverpool, champions of Englandpic.twitter.com/altgWn1Wdada

LFC WE’RE PREMIER LEAGUE CHAMPIONS!! 🏆 pic.twitter.com/qX7Duxoslm
@FortuneCookieBI Mike, give those. Do not be overly selfish, but be prudent in your generosity.
Proffer - do not retain - rodent/murine derrière’s. The recipients of this bestowal should be plentiful, yet carefully considered.
@Mathewh I don’t do any gamedev, but recently I spent a fair bit of time looking at Tabletop Simulator, and it stru..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…tx
Back to a topic that continues to press on my mind - As I slowly educate myself about things, the resiliency blacks..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…57
I’m not sure how I feel about the humor at the Apple event. It’s a bit unexpected.
@chockenberry I think what makes these later links of your worse the version that you’re taking us to.
“What could..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…mS
@chockenberry Must. try. to. remember. who. I’m. dealing. with. and. attempt. to. withstand. probable. rickroll.
Also, it grates that Handy Manny’s song says “cut and measure” as opposed to “measure and cut” (or even “measure twice, cut once”).
Lost power at some point in the night, so I started my day doing one of the things I’m good at - setting the time o..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…c9
@MrMuhammadWong @khelgen @darth What’s invisible and smells like a carrot?
Bunny farts.
I just poured part of a package of beef jerky into my mouth, which is how I learned how people could ever eat one o..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…iW
@Blazeorange Wait - who marries the chauffeur? Or is it that one of the family will marry one of the devices?
Coach Pop, saying what I’ve had trouble articulating. twitter.com/spurs/status/1…
Is it just me, or is Catalina Island (on macOS) getting greener with the season?
Be sure to follow the link. twitter.com/NelsonRussellM…

thyfortunate A Christian way of explaining Black lives matter to someone who keeps saying All lives matter. Thank you Carl Lentz. pic.twitter.com/RomrtbzQW8
thEMANacho Dear white people,
For days you’ve asked me what you can do to help. I’ve finally found an answer.
Let your guard..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…ez
ericabuddington This #thread is for those of you struggling to comprehend that the recent murders are just a fraction of racial vio..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…ct
@willie @IKEAUSA Nope. I’m comfortable this will get resolved _eventually_, but it’s especially frustrating with th..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…dj
I ordered a desk from @IKEAUSA in April. It took nearly 6 weeks to arrive, and when it did, it was damaged and inco..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…UQ