@Coudal If he doesn’t settle. A crucial tidbit.
@longbored Even at double or nothing. Still more ball to be played. l.lbs.im/1f
@longbored Too easy of a bet to make. l.lbs.im/1e
@Mathewh Totally unrelated to punk rock, but related to Quebec that I just read (by way of Next Draft): thrillist.com/travel/montrea…
What are the odds that @gruber is going to make a comment about Vin Scully in the next 48 hours?
@rands What was the result of your mindless iOS game hunt?
@cliftonite Explanation A: pic.twitter.com/G74ke1cLyF
@cliftonite Nope. That’s a per-hotel issue, not Priceline. Google it.
@cliftonite I’m not sure what you did, but having used Priceline two weeks ago like this, it worked as advertised. Great setup.
@JimGaffigan Try it with some lime juice. Brand new awesomeness.
@daringfireball FYI, you’re missing a closing parenthesis on that one.
@Blazeorange SHARPBOX!
@jasonlynes Not a Red Bull in sight… talk about disarray.
@rands Piczle Lines has one of my favorite games for years. The UI sucks, and it’s not _super_ mindless, but mindless enough.
@cabel Seems like a good time to not drive on Division or 122nd.
@MenInBlazers going to help Rooney’s “hair” look better?
@Blazeorange I hope your birthday was awesome. I bought a fishing pole for your birthday. For me, though. Oh well.
Mathewh the pixel painter: vimeo.com/70748579
I can’t wait to see what names the NTSB gives to the SouthWest crew.
@shauninman Still missing out on the blue bathrobe. A shame.
I hope the baby is named Steve. King Steve would be awesome.
Napkins are literally just for looks. Think about it.
I just realized Facebook only tells me how many people like something, but Twitter more importantly tells me what type of people do.
Seriously, one of my favorite things to read each day. “NextDraft: The Day’s Most Fascinating News” nextdraft.com
@chockenberry A city-wide celebraish.
@cliftonite IT’S MY BIRTHDAY!!!
What I ask is that nobody except people I’ve met in person to wish me a happy birthday. So, just you.
Too excited to go back to sleep. Lets do this.
@shauninman Play it sideways, borrow a bathrobe, and have a squid at your back. Also, it looks like your pupils need to be dilated.
@shauninman What a rip-off!
@DavidStensrud I think they’re on the next train car over.
@MenInBlazers Are pets allowed? Can I bring my War Pig?
@therobfoster Talk-o to your doctor about tacos. Nice.
@hthunsaker I’ll believe it when the phone rings. Prior to you getting on a plane to ND?
I’m no longer on vacation.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled tweeting. Seattle, you were awesome.
I’m on a jetway.
I’m on an underground tour.
I’m on an elevator.
I’m on a food tour.
I’m on an island.
I’m on a boat. Well, a ferry, but that’s still a boat. So, yeah. I’m on a boat.
I’m on a monorail.
I’m on a light rail.
I’m on a boat. No, wait. Scratch that. I’m on a plane.
You know what’s freaky? Those songs at the end of albums that have 2 minutes of silence, then start playing music out of nowhere.
@Dodgers In between calls and work, I #VotePuig pic.twitter.com/XfUSwHv0rG
@cliftonite No
@cabel But a Wino w/ Google Glass can…
@shauninman I already bought a couple other SNES->USB adapters from RetroUSB (which work great), but are 3x the price of this one.
@shauninman A bit random, but this Super Smart Joy just went up on eBay and reminded me of you (pardon my lessn link) l.lbs.im/1d