@MightyHeaton *sident. ;)
@danthat The attire isn’t offensive - it’s culturally fantastic. The issues tend to arise in making the characters..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…xx
panic Hi. We made something new. twitter.com/playdate/statu…
@shauninman (!!!) Welcome back again… for the next couple minutes/hours/days.
(I still hope things are going wel..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…as
@beep my fren where on bukk.it is the truck that is driving while on fire please help me ethan-wan-..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…KW
@hankrsmith … as you’d expect. Mixed results. The proximity really helped in some circumstances. Some long-time neitwitter.com/i/web/status/1…an69
@hankrsmith We did a form of this in our ward when we swapped to Ministering. That, combined with close neighbors.
@darth darth my fren independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-n…
The hole in the ozone layer above Australia ended up being less of a skin cancer danger to me than I was lead to believe as a kid.
@jessicahische At times, breaking old routines can be a good excuse to start a new one.
Tantrums or delay tactics g..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…YG
Nobody asked, but I really like Magnet on macOS. I use it every day, and I’m glad I have it. It keeps all your wind..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…4A
@mayli … Ministry?
@DodgerInsider How can you go a half inning as a pitcher? I always thought it was in thirds…
@darth i did not notice the similarity did you i hope you enjoy the photoshopping that will happen twitter.com/badbanana/stat…
@MilesKlee @darth at costco the divider in front of you should be turned upside-down to hold your card this is scie..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…9g
@zackseward @darth Beads?

FemmeVirago Sound design is my passion pic.twitter.com/MPN2stpXSu
Happy Interdental Lisp Awareness Day
@philorphilip @arzE Fully-operational tobbagan brakes
@Spotify Just wanted to say I like the updated style for dragging songs to playlists on desktop. A+ for that adjustment. So much clearer.
@hankrsmith Any plans to get it on Audible?