@stevenf May we know the cost of this experiment?
@hthunsaker Both?
@LFC To both Ian and Gary - what do you wish you would have known (that you didn’t) as a young player? #GarudaLFC
I just set an overdue keyboard shortcut for…
@stevenf Plus the haunting image of the Australian Airline Energiza Advertiser (advertiza?)
Faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things, but a hope for (true) things which aren’t seen. I didn’t see it, but I know He lives.
@AppleSupport Just wanted to say thanks for “Night Shift” in iOS 9.3. I love it. //cc @tim_cook
“So, I just calculated it real fast, and…” - candidate for the most boring beginning of a sentence about ______?______.
@pluralsight I see Tysha.
I was unsure about it to start, but through it I’ve connected more with others and the world than I ever imagined. Well done. #LoveTwitter
@rands Centered. It’s what it’s all about. But… the animated build-in attention grabber on that slide is off-centered.
This guy lost his Totin’ Chip.
You’ve heard it before from others, but not from me - The customer service from @zappos is fantastic. Really. So good. //cc @Zappos_Service
@MenInBlazers Horse in Blazer? twitter.com/FiveThirtyEigh…
@PilotProApp @cliftonlabrum I would have paid money for you to make that center triangle a triforce.

claraf_ication i would highly appreciate some retweets pic.twitter.com/gRSYqjj1OE
may the fourth be with you
@PattiAnastasia Boil your own eggs, and THEN color them? gph.is/1y8GAwR
@SunOfSeldo Thanks for the help :)
@WebeeLLC @jefferysaddoris @FieldNotesBrand @rands Boom! What a fantastic combination. Field Notes. Zebra Sarasa. Bliss.
@Blazeorange Cargo shorts.
“But… they’re just so handy!”
@honeydesign Are you doing a Big Year? ;)
@WebeeLLC @jefferysaddoris @FieldNotesBrand JetPens.com. Zebra Sarasa .5mm
//cc @rands
@stevenf Back in the day, mine was named “Mianus”.
@stop How does this balance with no spec work? ;)
@FieldNotesBrand Because tomorrow is Tuesday™.
@willie idk
Happily paid (again) for a @getkirby license. It’s a fantastic CMS, with unmatched support, and a great community.
@getkirby Aaaand I’m a moron. I put the blueprints one layer too deep in the site folder (under site/panel). All good now.
@getkirby Can’t find anything on the site, and it doesn’t look like I’m missing any blueprints… any ideas?
@getkirby Upgrading from 1.x. When trying panel I get Error w/o a useful message in /panel/app/src/panel/models/page/blueprint.php Line: 82
@getkirby Worked perfectly. Thanks!
@stevenf lockjaw educational?
@getkirby Any way to search within all pages of a certain type of template? (and visible?)
@camposanto Notable lack of typewriter.