@rands I fixed your avatar… pic.twitter.com/4VeSfHJmoP
Admittedly, I don’t use FTP anywhere near as much as I used to, but since @panic just massively updated Trans(m)it, it’s an insta-buy.
@rands Martin Fowler’s “Refactoring…”, Gang-of-four’s “Design Patterns…”, and… __________
@darth Very important naming update. twitter.com/CorrectNames/s…
@cliftonlabrum hashtag botw

Looks like the one guy back there was a Giants fan…
/cc @Dodgers twitter.com/GustavoDudamel… pic.twitter.com/zJBdWUlLpN
@shauninman I know you’re a website user, but Tweetbot allows this…
@youtah “But it’s a dry heat!”
@TheRealWBTC @darth And the best part is, neither does he. :)
Thanks for sharing!
@TheRealWBTC @darth I love that mid-gif “SQUIRREL” moment.
@cliftonlabrum @flexibits Not any more, but that’s mainly because I’ve shifted to be so Outlook-centric.
@cliftonlabrum @flexibits Personally, I like the natural language processing to parse calendar events, and the bett..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…fJ
cliftonlabrum Inspired by lazy app release notes, soon the ER will be like:
“Doctor, what happened!?”
“We’re striving to improve his medical condition.”
Just been summarily, and thoroughly reminded how different T-SQL and ANSI SQL are.
@TrumpsTies “To tape, or not to tape, that is the question”
Where are the high school language classes for understanding R2D2? Only offered in the Tatooine Unified School District?

peterdaou If you haven’t read this Alexander Hamilton quote, here’s your chance to be flabbergasted. pic.twitter.com/4BAcL9yuz6
@cottonbureau Looks like a perfect shirt for a lot of @darth’s followers…
@TrumpsTies No tape?
@willie … Finally acknowledging they didn’t have a chance to begin with, and they would have lost even if he had stayed?

Made a batch of @altonbrown’s Overnight Cinnamon Rolls. Fantastic as always. #🇺🇸 pic.twitter.com/j4FmvaY4Rj
No Second Continental Congress group selfie, lip dub, Harlem shake, vlog, or mannequin challenge…
That Declaration tho.