@DavidStensrud If you can’t see Cameron’s dad, I’m not sure it’s legit.
oldmansearch cat poison?
I’ve been to the airport, donut shop, and am home again. Sleep is so overrated, I guess.
@bluthquotes Did you see this AD Hero Squad patch? l.lbs.im/1c Sand Racing and Marksmanship, FTW
@cliftonite How’s that Ooma working out for you?
@willie Which is why I “splurged” and bought the CD… and got the MP3s for free. Math is hard sometimes.
If you’re going to buy Random Access Memories, right now it’s cheapest on Amazon. Buy the CD (with free MP3s) - $10 amzn.com/B00C061I3K
@dalecruse Now you know why the Google Drive logo is a triangle. They’re just getting us ready.
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s stock options when a major acquisition is announced.
@willie Really all it says to me is this: never let your Pro account expire.
@_higg @film_girl Still big differences. Unlimited space vs 1 or 2 TB.
Seems like a good time to remind you about gdzl.la’s nice Flickr power’s. flic.kr/p/ekYRX6
@bluthquotes “A game of horseshoes!”
@willie Long, but great read.
@cliftonite viewDoesNotMakeSenseToMe
@pixelworkers Any chance of still getting in on the hat order still? (I know I’m a day late, but I’m not a dollar short)
@willie Same. Looking at what has killed/impacted my family, I still opt for vigilance.
@willie That’s fair. If you had that high of a percentage, would you take a drastic proactive step, or just be super vigilant?
@willie “percentage driven choice”. Awesome. How about 51/49 one way or the other?
@willie (Honestly I hadn’t read the article, but now having done so, I agree. I’m still not sure if she’s a genius or totally insane.)
I guess that’s the end of the Tomb Raider movies.
@beep it’s leviosa not levisar
@DavidStensrud I thought you said it was _10_ minutes…
@Mathewh Right after the FireWire tickets go on sale? I heart sports.
@willie FWIW, just yesterday I got my first incomplete Amazon package - an OXO Pop Container… without a lid.
@mezzoblue Go on…
eoghanmcdermo Justin Bieber got 100,000 retweets for tweeting “Live life full”. That’s just 3 random words. I’m going to try now.
Nipple squirrel ham
@MenInBlazers The Beatles “Hello, Goodbye”
You know what’s annoying? People who don’t submit consistent information (to Gracenote) across CDs for audio books. Amiright? Ladies? Hello?
@jasonsantamaria AOL, eBay
@cliftonite No, but “Mark McGwire” feels like one.
@swissmiss Ben Schlitter (l.lbs.im/1b)
@JasonLastname As long as the dishes get done, or the whole house gets packed into a tiny bag.

We’re here for RSL!
I promise I’m done with sporting-events tweets for the week. yfrog.com/mod90skj
The sadness of parents who care WAY too much about little kids sports.
@azizansari While in Salt Lake, you should come have tacos at my house. Seriously.
@stevealfandre But the real question is: “In a fight between a bullet and wizard, who would win?” Hmmm…
@grahamwetzler @quitshow @5by5 A clear example of timezone discrimination. (I thought the same thing)
@pixelworkers Perfect. Thanks for the response.
@pixelworkers Any idea on sizes available? Some of us have… larger than average-sized hat needs.
@Blazeorange Junky popcorn is the perfect food for that.