This here blue beanie is pretty snug on my noodle.
@rands Re: $40 for Beatles music you already own. See: bad pun between band name and coercion. FWIW, I’d probably pay the money again too.
Who’s got two thumbs and a rental car with manual locks and windows? THIS guy!
Only shopping I did today was for two new car seats and some pain medication. FTW
Thankful to be Alive #fb
“There was a big boom, then our car exploded.” (FYI, everybody is okay.)
Pit stop, of a sort, in Vegas. Hopefully on the road again soon.
Vacation means Mexican food for lunch and dinner. #fb
New Yorkers who think everybody wishes they lived in their city, FTL.
“Receipt” is spelled horribly. It was probably invented by the same idiot who came up with “pterodactyl”.
@simplebits Let’s just admit that you have an aversion to scary Irish men with knives on TV Commercials.
There has been a noticeable absence of the CHOCKLOCK these days.
It appears it was a 24 hour bug. Glad it’s done. It still sucked. #fb
@cliftonite Welcome to the sick club. Hopefully damages are limited, and it doesn’t end up getting all 4 of you.
Previously 3, now all 4 people in our home are sick. Yippie. “Cleanup on aisle everywhere!” #fb
3/4 people are sick in our home. Please don’t visit. #Kthxbye
A sick child can make a long week even longer, especially when you’re supposed to be sleeping.
I hope that script I just ran doesn’t come back to bite me.
The closer I get to a scheduled vacation, the more I feel like I need a break. (Thanks impending burnout!)
Random phone call from an old friend. What a pleasant surprise. (Estebesón!!!)
I was hoping for more than 4 hours of sleep last night. 5 > 4, right?
It sucks to feel like you’re failing as a parent, especially when the failure is with a 2 year old.
I’m remembering just how much I don’t like Ubuntu. Each time I’ve installed it, it takes me way too long to adjust my resolution. #fail
It’s amazing how bloated Windows Live Messenger (both the installation, and the app itself) have become.
Just got a calling (in person) while sitting in Chick-fil-a. Only in Utah. #fb
@cliftonite It’s just that I want MarinerWrite.
Why on earth does @sixapart have and Shouldn’t the 1st forward to the 2nd, & not serve a site? Confusing.
OS X > Synergy > XP Box > VirtualBox XP > VPN into work > Remote into work machine > Remote into server to fix issue
Now that an immensely boring sport is finished, we can all have our twitter feeds back.
Mr(s). October
Wait a second… Boston Baked Beans (the candy) are made in Canada? I could see a Boston Baked Bean Party happening for this atrocity… eh.
@stevenf Thanks for the nightly baseball reference since @gruber didn’t make one. More nanodramo tweets please.
Coincidentally, every single Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup my daughters brought home isn’t safe for (their) consumption. Go figure. ;) #fb