Though I’d love to add Sam Cooke, Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds (circa 1996), and Daft Punk… but that’s more…bh
@rands The Beatles. Queen. Michael Jackson.
The question is, “Which jersey?”…
@chockenberry I feel like I need to click the link, just to confirm my suspicions of the song in store…
@gruber Company mandated/enforced “yes”.
@MenInBlazers I hope you saw this awesome @AbbyWambach commencement speech:…
@MenInBlazers For all of us #USMNT and #USWNT fans……
@Blazeorange Same. Hopefully they got schedules aligned for more scenes together in S5.
@Blazeorange I’ve now watched the whole re-cut Season 4. It’s much better. Much. Your thoughts?

@SQLProApp Upper case. Lower case. Mid-sentence. All by itself - none of it matters. The ending space is essential.
@SQLProApp Found a bug (MySQL, build 1109) - can’t insert/select/update the word “delimiter” followed by a space in a field… Help?
I’ve been offered candy from strangers far less frequently than I was lead to believe.
Conceptually, I strongly dislike Oreo Thins. In practice, they’re actually pretty good. #heresy
@manuginobili Fingers crossed! #grampashoes11
@janvanwtf Jan, have you shared what’s next for you?
@re3makes @PatrickRothfuss Pat, please tell me you played other Ambrosia games as well, like Maelstrom and Swoop…
@darth I once saw someone open a _sealed_ package of figs to sample one, and I nearly lost it. Nokay.
The sweep handles are churros. And this sure explains the mess. A+…
@Blazeorange I’ll have to check it out. Thanks for the tip!
@Blazeorange Still need to finish Season 4, but yes… why?
@RealTimeWWII *ominous music plays*

My straw doesn’t suck… which in this case is a bad
@utahpadre Tomorrow somehow sounds like it’s going to be worse, at least in one way… but likely better in others.
Humble, not honest.
@peternlewis Anybody who has used Visual Studio.
Doesn’t make it right, but maybe it helps provide possible context.
Happy National Interdental Lisp Awareness Day, everyone!
(That’s the lisp that turns S’s into “th” sounds, not…I6
@LFC @ChampionsLeague 131 with Milner’s OG…
@jessicahische Goomba, doofus, Gomer, bozo, fathead