1. Slide film vs photo film
3. Self serve vs full service twitter.com/ThatEricAlper/…

apelad I am hesitant to share this. pic.twitter.com/kvc3SDcnsS
@stevealfandre First ever version of what would become “the amoeba”.
I think my parents still have batteries from the 90′s in their fridge.
@shauninman Great products, both. Thanks for sharing in the first place. Also, we _can_ wait for you to finish the new game how you want.
@simplebits Pretty sure @cabel has…
My third wants to give everybody Slurpees for Christmas, but can’t decide if he should put them in one box or two.
@Blazeorange I feel like I missed the Bowie train by 5-10 years, and never could seem to _get_ it. He’s not the only one in that setup.
@Blazeorange Never once in my life have I uttered that phrase.
@JimGaffigan Sure looks like you got hacked.
@elonmusk Just to be clear, will the final product be short, or long?
@willie Amen. I have no clue when a poll happens… 99% of the time.

@gruber @AmyJane You two don’t photograph very well..pic.twitter.com/EicfRrHDeFeF
Kathsby I like to pretend “af” means “as foretold” because it only ups the badassery of the sentence & also means we millennials are prophetic af.
@danthat Stringing up the ‘ol “tappy ratyr”, if so.
@shauninman I saw this, and thought of you. Not that you need help, but you may benefit from this (and his series): twitter.com/saint11/status…
@mikiratsula I think your song “Red” is great… just… you know… so you know.
@phillryu I’ve played this one all the way through, but was unaware of Picross. So, I was looking for a decent starter, since there are lots
@phillryu Do you have a preferred Picross iOS app?